
We cover a broad range of businesses spanning all legal forms and sectors. Whatever the circumstances, our audits are more than just a perfunctory check of their accounts.

We support you in meeting the ever greater demands of financial reporting, risk management, and transparency. You enjoy peace of mind, safe in the knowledge that your business figures can be relied on.

Gribi & Partner AG is registered as an audit expert with the Federal Audit Oversight Authority FAOA and as such we are authorized to conduct both statutory and special audits.

Audits as a Statutory Auditor, Special Audits

  • restricted and ordinary audits of annual financial statements and group accounts
  • audits of pension schemes and foundations

  • audits of informations, capital increases and reductions

  • audits of mergers, spin-offs, conversions, and asset transfers

  • auditing the transfer of domicile to Switzerland

  • due diligence audits, conducting reviews

  • expert opinions and assessments
